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Kyiv International Institute of Sociology conducted their own poll during the February 8-17, 2013 (using questions from surveys, which had been conducted in Russia, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan). A joint analysis of all data has not been developed yet, thus, we provide results related to Ukraine only. 2032 respondents were interviewed; survey covered all regions of Ukraine (including the city of Kyiv) and Crimea; sample was random and representative for the population of Ukraine aged 18 years and older.

Statistical sampling error (with a probability of 0.95 and a design-effect 1.5) does not exceed: 3.3% for figures close to 50%


The study found that more than a third part of Ukrainians (37%) have negative attitude toward the personality of Stalin; positive attitude have about 22% of Ukrainians and careless - 28% of respondents. 

Answers to the question "How do you personally feel about J. Stalin? Distribute as follows:


  • 16% of Ukrainians have respect to J. Stalin; 5% - sympathy; 2% - admiration;

  • Equal share of population (16%) have hostile, angry and disgusting attitude; fear - 8% of respondents;

  • There is observed significant difference in attitude toward J. Stalin depending on region: positive attitude prevails in the Eastern area (36%) and Southern region (27%), negative - in the West (64%) and Central region (39%);

  • The least positive attitude to the figure of Stalin is found among young people aged 18-29 (16%), the most positive – among elderly people, 70 years and older - 35%. Besides, there is a feedback between age and indifferent attitude toward J. Stalin (see table below).

  • The smallest number of people with positive attitude toward J. Stalin is found among people with higher education (19%); other educational groups 22% -25%.


Distribution of answers to the question: “Would you personally like to live and work in country with such leader as J. Stalin?“

  • More than half of Ukrainians (53%) would confidently not want to live with such a state leader like J. Stalin; 20% of respondents answered "probably not"; absolute minority of respondents wants to live with such a state leader like Stalin (6%); "probably yes" was an answer of 9% of those who participated in the survey. The biggest number of those who are willing to live with such state leader like J. Stalin, is concentrated in the East - 26%, the smallest one – in the West (5%).


Answers to the question "To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about J. Stalin?" are distributed as follows:

  • J. Stalin is considered to be a wise leader, who had made the Soviet Union a powerful and prosperous country by 34% (12% in the West and 48% in the East) of respondents; the number of those who disagree with this statement is 47%.

  • J. Stalin was a cruel, inhuman tyrant, guilty in killing of millions of innocent people: 74% of the population believes in the above; 13% disagree with this. 88% of respondents who agree, are found in the West, 63% - in the East (63%).

  • Our nation can not do without such a leader like J. Stalin, who can establish order all over the country: 27% of the population agree with the above; 57% - disagree with this. The biggest part of those who agree lives in the East (36%), the smallest - in the West (9%).



How do you personally feel about the J. Stalin?

Ukraine in general and four macro-regions

  Ukraine in general West Central South East
With admiration 1.6 0.2 1.0 1.9 3.6
With respect 15.6 3.1 13.9 19.7 26.0
With sympathy 5.0 2.7 5.2 5.6 6.3
Indifferent 28.2 21.1 29.6 28.9 32.8
With hostility, irritation 14.6 16.9 18.4 11.7 10.6
With fear 7.9 14.4 7.2 5.8 4.5
With disgust, hate 14.8 32.2 13.6 10.6 3.6
I don’t know who J. Stalin is 0.8 0.4 0.3 1.3 1.1
Difficult to say 10.6 8.4 9.0 13.6 11.1
Refuse to answer 0.9 0.4 1.7 0.9 0.2
TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100


By age:

  18–29 30–39 40–49 50–59 60–69 70 +
With admiration 0.7 1.1 2.3 1.8 2.7 1.9
With respect 12.9 11.3 13.0 14.9 18.9 27.5
With sympathy 2.2 5.1 6.1 5.3 6.7 5.8
Indifferent 37.9 33.7 26.8 28.7 17.8 17.4
With hostility, irritation 12.2 15.6 15.3 16.7 16.8 11.6
With fear 4.7 9.6 7.1 7.8 11.1 8.1
With disgust, hate 12.9 13.6 16.8 13.1 16.8 15.9
I don’t know who J. Stalin is 2.2 1.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0
Difficult to say 13.5 7.9 11.7 9.6 8.4 10.5
Refuse to answer 0.9 0.6 0.8 1.8 0.7 1.2
TOTAL 100 100 100 100 100 100


By level of education:

  Incomplete Secondary Complete Secondary Vocational Secondary Higher
With admiration 2.5 1.5 2.0 1.2
With respect 15.3 16.1 17.5 13.3
With sympathy 6.9 4.6 5.2 4.5
Indifferent 22.8 32.1 28.0 26.4
With hostility, irritation 10.9 11.7 14.0 19.3
With fear 11.4 7.4 6.8 8.1
With disgust, hate 22.8 11.8 14.0 16.1
I don’t know who J. Stalin is 0 1.5 .9 .2
Difficult to say 6.9 12.7 10.4 9.8
Refuse to answer .5 .7 1.1 1.0
TOTAL 100 100 100 100


Would you personally like to live and work in country with such leader as J. Stalin?

  Ukraine in general West Central South East
Definitely yes 6 0.4 4.5 8.7 11.0
Probably yes 9 4.4 8.4 9.3 15.3
Probably no 20 15.7 22.9 20.4 20.3
Definitely no 53 74.3 54.3 46.3 36.5
Difficult to say 11 4.2 9.2 13.6 16.4
Refuse to answer 1 0.9 0.7 1.7 .5


"To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about J. Stalin?"

J. Stalin is a wise leader, who made the Soviet Union a powerful and prosperous country.

  Ukraine in general West Central South East
Totally agree 12.3 2.0 12.2 15.8 18.5
Rather agree 22.1 10.2 25.2 22.7 29.3
Rather disagree 20.4 22.4 23.3 16.2 19.6
Totally agree 27.3 49.3 23.8 24.6 13.1
Difficult to say 16.1 14.4 13.8 18.6 18.0
Refuse to answer 1.7 1.6 1.7 2.0 1.6


J. Stalin was a cruel, inhuman tyrant, guilty in killing of millions of innocent people.

  Ukraine in general West Central South East
Totally agree 46.9 68.7 49.2 40.3 29.9
Rather agree 26.9 19.7 28.9 25.5 33.3
Rather disagree 8.9 3.1 8.4 11.0 13.0
Totally agree 4.4 .9 2.5 5.2 9.4
Difficult to say 11.1 6.0 9.4 15.6 13.0
Refuse to answer 1.8 1.6 1.7 2.4 1.3


Our nation can not do without such a leader like J. Stalin, who can establish order all over the country.

  Ukraine in general West Central South East
Totally agree 11.0 2.4 12.4 14.4 13.9
Rather agree 16.3 6.9 17.4 18.1 22.5
Rather disagree 21.9 22.1 24.7 19.0 21.3
Totally agree 34.9 57.3 34.1 27.8 22.0
Difficult to say 13.4 8.4 9.5 18.3 17.8
Refuse to answer 2.4 2.9 2.0 2.4 2.5


West: Volyn, Rivne, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil, Khmelnytsky, Transcarpathian and Chernivtsi;
Central Region: Zhitomir, Vinnitsa, Kirovograd, Cherkassy, Poltava, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kyiv region and the city of Kyiv;
South: Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa, Mykolaiv, Kherson, Zaporizhzhya and Crimea;
East: Kharkiv, Donetsk and Luhansk.

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