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Attitude of Ukrainians towards national holidays

Kyiv International Institute of Sociology conducted their own investigation during the period February 8–17, 2013.

2032respondentswereinterviewed; the investigation covered all regions of Ukraine, including Kiev and Crimea Region; the sample was random and is deemed to be representative for population of Ukraine aged 18 and above.

Statistical sample deviation (with probability of 0.95 and design-effect of 1.5) does not exceed:
3.3% for index close to50%,
2,8% — for index close to 25%,
2,0% — for index close to 10%,
1,4% — for index close to 5%.

The study found that general majority of Ukrainians relate to national holidays with like and respect, only 2% of respondents do not consider national holidays to be important or favorite.


The most popular Ukrainian official holidays, as before, are:

  • Easter — 83%
  • New Year — 81%
  • Christmas — 79%
  • International Women's Day — 49%
  • Victory Day — 40%
  • Trinity — 36%

The least popular Ukrainian official holidays – Independence Day of Ukraine (12%), Labor Day (10%) and Constitution Day (4%).

There is observed a significant decrease of quantity of those, who prefer Victory Day (from 50% to 40% if compared with 2011), but the number of those who respect and love International Women's Day (from 37% to 49%) and New Year (from 77 % to 82%) has risen.



  • When we compare male and female population, women have more respect to religious holidays and International Women's Day. Thus, Christmas is loved and respected by 82% of women and 76% of men; International Women's Day — 55% of women and 41% of men; Easter — 85% of women and 81% of men; Trinity — 38% of women and 33% of men.
  • Men more than women respect and like Victory Day (43% men vs. 38% women) and Independence Day Ukraine (15% vs. 10%).
  • Religious holidays are more popular among people with incomplete secondary education (Easter — 89% Christmas — 87%, Trinity — 49%). New Year is a little more popular among people with higher education (86%) and vocational secondary education (84%), and a little less popular among people with complete secondary (78%) and incomplete secondary education (68%). International Women's Day is more popular among people with higher and vocational secondary education (51% and 54%). Victory Day is respected to bigger extent among people with incomplete secondary and higher education (46% and 43%). Independence Day of Ukraine is mostly respected among people with higher education (17%) and is not popular among people with complete secondary education (8%).


As of regional distribution:

  • The largest part of those who consider religious holidays to be important are concentrated in the Western region (Christmas and Easter — 94%, Trinity — 65%) and the smallest part is located in the Eastern (Christmas — 73% Easter — 79%, Trinity — 26%) and Southern (respectively 74%, 75%, 24%) regions, in Central area — respectively 80%, 86%, 32%.
  • New Year is the most popular holiday in the Southern (89%) and Eastern (88%) regions; it is not popular at all in the Western region (69%). In the Central area only 78% of respondents support it.
  • International Women's Day is not popular among the residents of the Western region (31%), in other regions the situation is almost the same: South — 56%, East — 54% and Central Ukraine — 51%.
  • Victory Day is mostly respected and loved in the South (49%), the least — in the West (23%); residents of Central region consider this holiday to be important in 44 cases per 100. Eastern are a respect it in 42 cases per 100.



Which of these holidays is the most important for you or is your favorite? Please, choose no more than 5 holidays.

General dynamics in Ukraine in 2011–2013, %

  2011 2013
Easter 83.1 83.3
New Year 77.2 81.2
Christmas Day 78.9 79.4
International Women’s Day 36.6 48.8
Victory Day 49.8 40.4
Trinity 36.2 35.6
Independence Day of Ukraine 14.7 12.3
Labor Day 7.7 10.0
Day of the Constitution of Ukraine 3.8 3.6
None of these holidays is important for me 1.6 1.8


By region:

  Macro regions
West Central South East
Easter 94.2 85.5 75.1 79.1
New Year 68.8 78.3 89.3 87.8
Christmas Day 93.6 78.9 73.6 72.6
International Women’s Day 31.0 51.4 56.3 54.1
Victory Day 23.4 43.9 49.4 42.1
Trinity 64.8 31.6 24.0 25.6
Independence Day of Ukraine 26.8 11.9 7.5 4.0
Labor Day 6.5 7.2 16.8 9.3
Day of the Constitution of Ukraine 4.8 3.9 3.1 2.6
None of these holidays is important for me 0 3.0 1.1 2.7
HARD TO SAY / DO NOT KNOW 0 0.5 0.3 3.5


By sex:

  Male Female
Easter 80.8 85.3
New Year 81.5 80.9
Christmas Day 76.2 82.0
International Women’s Day 40.7 55.4
Victory Day 43.1 38.3
Trinity 33.0 37.7
Independence Day of Ukraine 14.9 10.2
Labor Day 11.2 9.1
Day of the Constitution of Ukraine 4.1 3.3
None of these holidays is important for me 2.5 1.2


By the level of education:

  Incomplete Secondary Complete Secondary Vocational Secondary Higher
Easter 89.2 82.2 83.6 82.2
New Year 68.0 78.3 83.5 86.3
Christmas Day 87.2 79.7 77.6 78.3
International Women’s Day 37.3 45.1 54.2 51.0
Victory Day 45.5 39.2 38.0 42.9
Trinity 49.1 37.1 32.5 32.6
Independence Day of Ukraine 11.7 8.4 12.1 16.7
Labor Day 5.7 10.7 12.2 8.6
Day of the Constitution of Ukraine 5.1 3.1 2.7 4.7
None of these holidays is important for me 1.1 2.0 2.4 1.2
HARD TO SAY / DO NOT KNOW 0.8 2.1 0.3 0.5

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