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How Ukrainians plan to spend their vacations, June, 2014
The survey showed that in May 2014, despite the situation in the country, the number of Ukrainians who were not planning to take vacations has decreased from 68% to 62% since 2013. The number of people who are not able to go anywhere also decreased from 21% to 17% in the same period (the difference is statistically significant). This change may be explained by the absence of Crimea in the survey sample this year.
What do women want?
KIIS gives hints to men what to present to women on March 8 for several years already. Besides, we are interested in the plans of men and we see that they listen to our hints.
According to the results of the poll, similarly to the last year, TOP-6 presents that women would like to receive are flowers, care and attention, romantic trip, jewelry, toilet water or perfume and cosmetics, romantic dinner.
From Maidan camp to Maidan-sich: what has changed?
Since the survey on Maidan camp have passed one and a half months. During this time there were tough opposition protesters and security forces - beatings, repression, disappearances, and after the adoption of the infamous law of 16 January - real bloody fighting in Hrushevskoho Street and the first casualties. Maidan has been changed outside – barricades were built, stiffened in constant expectation of attack became more closed. Maidan camp was turned into a Maidan-Sich. What changes have taken place with a population of Maidan? How has changed the social and demographic structure? Have the views and requirements changed of this much more militarized people? This we have tried to figure out in our survey.
Among reasons, which made people came out to the Maidan, three the most widespread were: brutal beating of demonstrators at the Maidan on November, 30 night, repressions (70%), Viktor Yanukovych refusal to sigh the Association Agreement with the EU (53.5%) and desire to change life in Ukraine (50%).
Dynamics of using the Internet in Ukraine
49.8% of the adult population of Ukraine used the Internet in September 2013. Thus, growth in the number of users continues even at a faster pace than expected. The growth rate in February 2012 - October 2013 was 16%, which is slightly inferior record jump of 34% in the period from March 2011 to February 2012 |
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